All lang used in this plugin.
prefix: '&6&lShop &eā '
usage: '&6&lUsage&7: &e'
currency_format: '&6${0}'
value_format: '#,###.00'
amount_format: '#,###'
restock_success: '&aAll shop items have been restocked!'
transaction_buy_success: '&aYou successfully bought &bx{0} &3{1} &afor {2}&a!'
transaction_buy_success_tax: ' &e(&3&lTaxed&7: &b{0}%&e)'
transaction_sell_success: '&aYou successfully sold &bx{0} &3{1} &afor {2}&a!'
transaction_sell_wand_success: '&aYou successfully sold &bx{0} &aitems for {1}&a!'
menu_op_shift_click: '&aYou have been given the item you shift-clicked in the menu &3{0}&a. This can only be done by OP users.'
menu_shop_op_shift_click: '&aYou have been given the item you shift-clicked in the shop &3{0}&a. This can only be done by OP users.'
menu_transaction_title: '&2&lTransaction'
menu_sell_title: '&c&lSell Items'
menu_shop_page_number: '{0} &8(Page {1}/{2})'
menu_shop_display_item_buy: '&a&lBuy&7: {0}'
menu_shop_display_item_sell: '&c&lSell&7: {0}'
menu_shop_display_item_stock: '&e&lStock&7: {0}'
menu_shop_display_item_tax: '&b&lTax&7: &3{0}%'
menu_shop_display_item_positive_difference: ' &2ā&a{0}% &e(&6{1}&e)'
menu_shop_display_item_negative_difference: ' &4ā&c{0}% &e(&6{1}&e)'
menu_shop_display_item_no_difference: ' &e{0}% &e(&6{1}&e)'
menu_shop_gui_amount: '&eAmount&7: &2{0}'
menu_shop_gui_worth: '&eWorth&7: {0}'
menu_shop_gui_cost: '&eCost&7: {0}'
command_item_colors_header: '&a------ &e[ &2&lColors &e] &a------'
command_item_colors_hex_colors: ' &9&lHex Colors&7: '
command_item_colors_hex_colors_link: https://htmlcolorcodes.com
command_item_colors_hex_colors_hover: '&eClick to open website!'
command_item_name_success: '&aYou successfully changed your hand item name to &3{0}&a.'
command_item_lore_success: '&aYou successfully changed your hand item lore to &3{0}&a on line &3{1}&a.'
command_item_lore_clear_success: '&aYou successfully cleared all lore from your hand item.'
command_item_lore_copy_success: '&aYou successfully copied all lore from your hand item.'
command_item_lore_paste_success: '&aYou successfully pasted the lore you had copied to your hand item.'
command_item_enchant_success: '&aYou successfully enchanted your hand item with the enchantment &b{0} &aat level &3{1}&a.'
command_item_itemflag_add_success: '&aYou successfully added the item flag &3{0} &ato your hand item.'
command_item_model_success: '&aYou successfully set the model id &3{0} &ato your hand item.'
command_item_itemflag_remove_success: '&aYou successfully removed the item flag &3{0} &afrom your hand item.'
command_item_tooltips_success: '&aYou successfully removed tooltips from the item you''re holding.'
command_item_colors_footer: '&a----------------------'
command_delete_menu_success: '&aYou successfully deleted the menu &3{0}&a.'
command_delete_shop_success: '&aYou successfully deleted the shop &3{0}&a.'
command_delete_interface_success: '&aYou successfully deleted the interface &3{0}&a.'
command_help_divider: '&aā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬'
command_help_title: ' &2-== &6&l&nShop Help&r &2==-'
command_give_sell_wand_success: '&aSuccessfully gave &6{0} &3x{1} {2}&a.'
command_give_sell_wand_target_success: '&aYou just received &3x{0} {1}&a.'
command_add_shop_item_success: '&aYou successfully added the item &3{0} &ato shop &3{1}&a! &7(&a&lBuy Value&7: {2} &c&lSell Value&7: {3}&7)'
command_remove_shop_item_success: '&aYou successfully removed the item &3{0} &afrom the shop &3{1}&a!'
command_remove_shop_menu_success: '&aYou successfully removed the item &3{0} &afrom the menu &3{1}&a!'
command_remove_interface_item_success: '&aYou successfully removed the item &3{0} &afrom the interface &3{1}&a!'
command_add_menu_item_success: '&aYou successfully added the item &3{0} &ato menu &3{1}&a! &7(&e&lRout&7: &b{2} &e&lSlot&7: &b{3}&7)'
command_add_interface_success: '&aYou successfully added the item &3{0} &ato interface &3{1}&a! &7(&e&lAction&7: &b{2} &e&lAction Amount&7: &b{3} &e&lSlot&7: &b{4}&7)'
command_add_interface_command_success: '&aYou successfully added the item &3{0} &ato interface &3{1}&a! &7(&e&lAction&7: &b{2} &e&lSlot&7: &b{3} &e&lCommands&7: &b{4}&7)'
command_reload_success: '&aOneStopShop has been reloaded, all yml file changes have been applied.'
command_version_success: '&aYou''re currently running version &e{0}&a.'
command_worth_success: '&7(&3{0} &e= {1}&7) &7(&3Hand &e= {2}&7) &7(&3Inventory &e= {3}&7)'
command_swap_mode_success: '&aYou are now in swap mode!'
command_swap_success: '&a&aYou successfully swapped slot &3{0} &awith slot &3{1}&a.'
command_swap_slot_selected_success: '&a&aYou successfully selected slot &3{0}&a.'
command_swap_mode_removed_success: '&a&aYou are no longer in swap mode.'
command_create_menu_success: '&aYou successfully created the menu &3{0}&a!'
command_create_shop_success: '&aYou successfully created the shop &3{0}&a!'
command_create_interface_success: '&aYou successfully created the interface &3{0}&a!'
command_set_shop_sell_success: '&aYou successfully set the item &3{0} &asell value to {1}&a in shop &3{2}&a.'
command_reset_stock_success: '&aYou successfully reset the stock for all items.'
command_set_shop_buy_success: '&aYou successfully set the item &3{0} &abuy value to {1}&a in shop &3{2}&a.'
command_set_shop_stock_median_success: '&aYou successfully set the item &3{0} &astock median to &7{1}&a in shop &3{2}&a.'
command_set_shop_stock_success: '&aYou successfully set the item &3{0} &astock to &7{1}&a in shop &3{2}&a.'
command_set_menu_title_success: '&aYou successfully set the title &f{0} &afor the menu &3{1}&a.'
command_set_menu_size_success: '&aYou successfully set the size to &3{0} &afor the menu &3{1}&a.'
command_set_shop_title_success: '&aYou successfully set the title &f{0} &afor the shop &3{1}&a.'
command_help_sub_command: '&3{0}&b. &e{1}'
command_help_sub_command_hover: '&6{0}'
command_serialize: '&6Click to copy!'
command_update_database_in_progress: '&aUpdating database....'
command_reload_database_in_progress: '&aReloading database....'
command_reload_database_success: '&aThe database has been reloaded successfully!'
command_update_database_success: '&aAll plugin data has been pushed to the database! Any servers connected to this database will need a restart or reload to reflect changes.'
command_serialize_hover: '&eClick to copy!'
command_info_header: '&a----------- &e[ &2&lShop Info &e] &a-----------'
command_info_shop_items: '&6&lShop Items&7: &e{0}'
command_info_shop_mode: '&6&lShop Mode&7: &e{0}'
command_info_next_stock: '&6&lNext Restock&7: {0}'
command_info_footer: '&a-------------------------------------'
command_worth_list_header: '&a----------- &e[ &2&lWorth List &e] &a-----------'
command_worth_list_footer: '&a-------------------------------------'
command_worth_list_line: '&3{0}. &e{1} &7- &6${2}'
command_worth_list_next_page: '&2&lNext &a&l>>--------'
command_worth_list_previous_page: '&a&l--------<< &2&lPrev'
command_worth_list_next_page_hover: '&6&lNext Page'
command_worth_list_previous_page_hover: '&6&lPrevious Page'
command_wroth_list_page_spacer: ' &e| '
command_add_description: Add the item you're holding to a shop, menu or interface.
command_delete_description: Delete a shop, menu or interface.
command_create_description: Create a shop, menu or interface.
command_help_description: A list of commands you can use with this plugin.
command_version_description: The version of OneStopShop you're running.
command_reset_description: Reset options for plugin.
command_info_description: Info regarding the plugin details.
command_swap_description: Swap two items in a shop or menu.
command_item_description: Modify or serialize the item you're holding.
command_give_description: Give a target player a item.
command_open_description: Open a menu or shop directly.
command_reload_description: Reloads the OneStopShop plugin, this will read all yml files again and apply changes if any.
command_remove_description: Remove a item you're holding from a shop, menu or interface.
command_sell_all_description: Sell all inventory items of the item you're holding.
command_sell_description: Sell the items you're holding to the server.
command_sell_menu_description: Opens a menu where you can place items to sell when it closes.
command_set_description: Modify existing menu or shop settings.
command_update_database_description: Push the parent server plugin data to database.
command_worth_description: Check the worth of the item you're holding.
error_economy_not_installed: The plugin vault is not currently installed or possibly it's not setup with a economy plugin so OneStopShop has been disabled.
error_not_console_command: '&cThis command does not work in console.'
error_shop_previous_page: '&7You are already on the first page.'
error_shop_next_page: '&7You are on the last page.'
error_gui_data_not_found: The interface ({0}) could not be found in gui data, check your interfaces.yml.
error_gui_item_data_not_found: The gui item ({0}) could not be found in gui item data, check your gui_items.yml.
error_economy_item: The economy item could not be parsed, make sure it's a serialized item.
error_shop_mode: The shop mode {0} is not valid, normal mode selected.
error_economy_mode: The economy mode {0} is not valid, item mode selected.
error_menu_data_not_found: The menu ({0}) could not be found in menu data, check your menus.yml.
error_parse_item: 'This item could not be parsed: {0} (needs to be fixed)'
error_shop_data_not_found: The shop ({0}) could not be found in shop data, check your shops.yml.
error_mysql_not_connected: The plugin could not connect to the configured database, check your config again.
error_item_name: '&c&lERROR'
error_item_lore: '&7Something went wrong loading this item, check your configs.'
error_mysql_not_enabled: '&cMySQL is not enabled.'
error_mysql_not_parent: '&cYou can only use this command on the parent server when MySQL is enabled.'
error_command_worth_no_item: '&cYou need to be holding the item you want to check the worth of it.'
error_command_sell_no_item: '&cYou need to be holding the item you want to sell.'
error_command_sell_no_item_value: '&cThe item you''re holding currently can''t be sold to the server.'
error_command_add_no_item: '&cYou need to be holding the item you want to add to a menu, shop or interface.'
error_command_swap_same_item: '&cYou can''t swap the same item, select a different item to swap locations with it.'
error_command_remove_shop_no_item: '&cYou need to be holding the item you want to remove from the target shop.'
error_command_remove_shop_item_not_found: '&cThe item &3{0} &ccould not be found in shop &3{1}&c.'
error_command_remove_menu_item_not_found: '&cThe item &3{0} &ccould not be found in menu &3{1}&c.'
error_command_remove_interface_item_not_found: '&cThe item &3{0} &ccould not be found in interface &3{1}&c.'
error_command_add_shop_already_added: '&cThe item &3{0} &cis already in the shop &3{1}&c.'
error_command_add_interface_action_not_supported: '&cThe action &3{0} &cis not supported.'
error_command_add_interface_action_not_supported_target: '&cThe action &3{0} &cis not supported with the menu &3{1}&c.'
error_not_number: '&cThe input &3{0} &cis not a number.'
error_command_add_menu_slot_taken: '&cThe slot &3{0} &cis already being used in the menu &3{1}&c. Remove it first if you want to replace it.'
error_command_add_interface_slot_taken: '&cThe slot &3{0} &cis already being used in the interface &3{1}&c. Remove it first if you want to replace it.'
error_command_add_menu_slot_range: '&cYou can only set a item in a menu with a slot between 0-53.'
error_command_add_interface_slot_range: '&cYou can only set a item in a interface with a slot between 0-53.'
error_command_add_menu_size: '&cThe menu &3{0} &cis currently set to a max slot count of &3{1}&c.'
error_command_add_interface_size: '&cThe interface &3{0} &cis currently set to a max slot count of &3{1}&c.'
error_command_add_interface_shop_slot: '&cThe slot &3{0} &ccan not have a interface item in the shop menu, you can only place interface items in the border in the shop menu.'
error_command_add_rout_type: '&cThe rout type &3{0} &cis not supported.'
error_command_create_menu_name_used: '&cThe menu name &3{0} &cis already being used.'
error_command_create_shop_name_used: '&cThe shop name &3{0} &cis already being used.'
error_command_create_interface_name_used: '&cThe interface name &3{0} &cis already being used.'
error_command_create_no_menu: '&cThe interface name &3{0} &cis not a menu or default interface.'
error_command_open_not_online: '&cThe player &3{0} &cis not online so you can''t open a menu or shop for them.'
error_command_set_sell_no_item: '&cYou need to be holding the shop item you want to set the sell value for.'
error_command_set_buy_no_item: '&cYou need to be holding the shop item you want to set the buy value for.'
error_command_set_stock_median_no_item: '&cYou need to be holding the shop item you want to set the stock median for.'
error_command_set_stock_no_item: '&cYou need to be holding the shop item you want to set the stock for.'
error_command_set_value_no_data: '&cThe item you''re holding could not be found in shop &3{0}&c.'
error_command_set_menu_unknown: '&cThe menu &3{0} &ccurrently does not exist.'
error_command_set_shop_unknown: '&cThe shop &3{0} &ccurrently does not exist.'
error_command_set_menu_size: '&cSize for menus must be a multiple of 9 between 9 and 54 slots, so &3{0} &cdoesn''t work.'
error_command_set_menu_max_size: '&cYou can only set a menu to a max of 54 slots.'
error_command_item_lore_line: '&cThe input &3{0} &cis not a number, you need to input a line number for the lore.'
error_command_item_lore_paste: '&cYou currently don''t have a lore copied.'
error_command_item_no_item: '&cYou need to be holding the item you want to modify to run this command.'
error_command_item_enchant_does_not_exist: '&cThe enchantment &b{0} &cis not a registered enchantment.'
error_command_itemflag_does_not_exist: '&cThe item flag &3{0} &cis not a registered item flag.'
error_command_delete_main_menu: '&cThe menu &3{0} &cis currently the main menu so it can''t be deleted.'
error_worth_list_page_not_number: '&cThe input &6{0} &cis not a number.'
error_insufficient_funds: '&cYou currently have {0} &cand you need {1} &cto process this transaction.'
error_insufficient_wares: '&cYou currently have &bx{0} &3{1} &cso you can''t sell &bx{2} &3{3}&c.'
error_transaction_failed: '&aSomething went wrong with this translation.'
error_no_space: '&cYou currently don''t have enough inventory space for this transaction.'
error_zero_value: '&cYou can''t process a transaction with zero value.'
error_out_of_stock: '&cYou can''t process this transaction because there isn''t enough stock to fulfill it.'
error_no_permission: '&cYou sadly do not have permission for this.'
error_give_not_online: '&cThe player &6{0} &cis not online.'
error_shop_does_not_exist: '&cThe shop &3{0} &cdoes not exist.'
error_interface_does_not_exist: '&cThe interface &3{0} &cdoes not exist.'
error_menu_does_not_exist: '&cThe menu &3{0} &cdoes not exist.'
Last updated