Questions that are frequently asked.
Does the plugin support <insert item here> item?
Yes, this plugin supports all Minecraft items, including custom meta data.
Does the plugin support <insert plugin here> plugin?
Most likely yes, plugins like ItemAdder that create custom items are supported. The only time it wouldn't work correctly is if the item you're selling needs to be unique, meaning you don't want to sell a copy of the same item. You could still use commands to do this if this very rare case applies to you.
Does the plugin support later versions before 1.18.2?
No and it will never be supported before 1.18.2. The plugin uses Java 17 and uses techniques that were not possible in versions before 1.18.2.
Can this plugin be used on Forge or Sponge?
If the api you're using to run the Sponge or Forge server supports Spigot plugins that run on Java 17 or later, yes. But it does not have any direct support for Forge or Sponge.
Does it work with Paper Spigot or Purpur?
Yup, it'll have no issue running on Paper Spigot or Purpur, if anything they're recommended.
Can you create menus and shops completely in-game?
Yup! Check out the commands page.
Will I need to serialize all my shop and menu items each new Minecraft version update?
Nope, the only time it wouldn't work is if you serialized a item that only existed in that version and tried to load it in a lower version.
Do you plan to keep this updated?
Absolutely, making it simple to update was one of my design goals with this plugin. Although I can't predict what Mojang will do with Minecraft, I still believe the plugin is in such a state it'll pass the test of time. If a major java version is dropped it's likely we'll update to the latest Java version and drop older version support. This is to ensure the plugin is easy to update and has the most refined performance for the current version of Minecraft.
Can you change the transaction and shop GUI items?
Yup! Check out the Interface Guide.
Last updated